Sunday, May 22, 2016

BeerBazaar, Mahane Yehuda Shuk

Trendy? Spare me your commentary. The Beer Bazar is the hot new beer joint in Mahane Yehuda that serves no less the ONE HUNDRED Israeli beers, ten of them from the tap. Located in the covered market just inside from the corner of Mahane Yehuda and Jaffa st, it's a young happening beer joint for a young happening Israeli crowd. Mostly Hebrew is spoken by the customers with a spattering of English and foreign languages. Modern Israeli bands pulsate from the speakers, while old Sefardic Jersualemites with black yarmukes and tsitzit stand accross the street in the neighboring vegetable store.

Here's the stellar Barmaid, Shova, Love that Smile!!

The menu also offers sandwiches, snacks such as nachos and fresh cut Shuk vegetables, and hard liquors, Beer Bazar has kosher certification from the Rabbanut and as such is closed on Shabbat.

The Beer Bazar also makes its own beers on the premises, I ordered the Fat Cat amber ale and it was a treat. "Pale ale with a sweet start and a slightly bitter finish." However in my faloop palate it was more like a slightly bitter start and a sweet finish. Doesn't matter, What matters is it was DE LISH!!

1/3 liter for 23 NIS, 1/2 Liter for 29.  1 full Liter for 55, and a 2 Liter Pitcher for 89/99 NIS.

Here are the Ten kinds of beer on Tap. When it says Beer Bazar that means they right there in the brewpub.

Fat Cat Beer Bazar Pale Ale (5.2%)
Dodash Beer Bazar Red lager (4.9%)
Bhindi Beer Bazer IPA 9^>%%)
Bavarian Wheat from the Emek HaEela brewery, Wheat beer (51%)
Stout (Shapira Brewery) (5.2%)
Blazer (Alexander Brewery) (8%)
8.8 Jem's Brewery (you guessed it. 8.8%)

And, a rare relative of Beer, kind of like your second cousin from Patagonia, Cranberry Lemonade (Busters) (5% alcohol)

Beer Bazar, one of the best new pubs and one of the FEW microbreweries to hit Jerusalem, A must stop for a party or just a drink.

Beer Bazar is open from 11 am to as long as there are customers. Around 1 am midweek and to 3 or so on Thusday and Saturday nights. (As mentioned, THEY DONT ROLL ON SHABBOS!!!)

Proprietor Avi Moskowitz, Email

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